Eliminate Fees Through Customer Choice

Offer choice rewards to cash paying customers to safely, securely, and compliantly eliminate your processing fees. No confusing receipts, no confusing signage, just expert assistance every single step of the way.

Keep 100% of your sales and do it without looking over your shoulder.

Get Educated: Flex Basics

Tricera Flex is a unique program piggybacking on the concept of popular “cash discount” or “dual pricing” programs. Our clients want options and thanks to recent legislation and our innovative approach, Tricera merchants are no longer required to absorb the ever-increasing cost of accepting credit and debit card payments.

United States of Zero Fees

Tricera Flex works in all 50 states. Yes, even in Massachusetts, Maine, and Connecticut. Yes, even in yours.

Simple Setup

Technology that does the work for you – our terminal works in the background to eliminate your processing costs without going it alone.

Average Savings

Our Flex clients save an average of $1,439 per month. That’s enough for increasing employee pay, taking a much-needed vacation, and paying down debt.

How Does it Work?

Getting Started is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

The best part about working with Tricera is that, regardless of how simple the setup is, you never have to do it alone.

Update List / Menu

Use one of our two update options and our team to show cash & card pricing.

Post Your Signage

Ditch that old sign (if you have one) and replace with a professional quality card brand compliant announcement to your customers.

Start Saving

Our terminal does the calculations, compliant reporting, and you get to do what you do best while safely eliminating your fees.

Is Flex Right for My Business?

Flex Works for Any Industry – It’s Your Call

No one knows your business and your customers as well as you do. Whether Flex is the perfect program for your specific business is your call. What we can confidently say is that it works for all businesses of all transaction sizes and acceptance methods.

Restaurant & Quick Service

Retail & Convenience

Auto Service, Repair & Tire

Manufacturing & Distribution

Professional Service

Propane, Waste & Utility

Zero Surprises. Zero Increases. Zero Nonsense.

Unlike the giant payment processing behemoths, we are a family owned business built to be inherited. We don't answer to Wall Street, corporate overlords, or private equity terms looking to sell for gajillion's of dollars. 


Choose Your Price


Choose Your Technology


No Long-Term Contract

Frequently Asked Questions

A Little Bird Told Me You’ve Got Questions

Answers are our favorite things to give… well that and amazing service, thank you cards for referrals, killer swag to our partners, and immense savings for our clients. We do like answering questions though.

Will my customers be upset if I use Tricera Flex?

The vast majority (nearly 100%) of customers don’t notice or don’t care. Those that do notice are also understanding that the costs of running a business have increased.

Does Tricera require long-term contracts?

No. We offer full freedom to our clients – with zero termination fee and no long-term commitment required, if you want to fire us (😢) you have the freedom to do so with no penalty to your business.


Why not just increase my prices myself?

Chances are you’ve already dont at least one price increase. Customers get fatigued by multiple price increases. Also, that impacts ALL customers, not just those paying with card. To make things worse, you now have to pay more in sales tax.


What if this doesn't work?

While our success rate is near 100% with Flex, every business is different. Switching back to traditional processing is simple and penalty-free.