You’ve Found Our Super Secret Entrepreneur Resource Area
It’s a grower, not a show-er. We’re adding to this section continuously so make sure you check back often. If you forget, it’s cool, we’ll shoot an email out to the one we have on file to let you know about all the cool goodies we’ve added.
BEHOLD! Resources for Your Entreprenurial Journey
Tricera was founded upon education. In fact, our founder was often criticized (not because it didn’t happen) for over-educating business owners who weren’t even clients yet. Well, when you’re the boss, you can do what you want so we have a full resource section that we’re adding to regularly to help you on YOUR entrepreneurial journey. If that journey intersects with ours, that’s a win-win.

THE Interchange Optimization Guidebook
Download the guide that every fat cat banker does not want you to have. We show you the hidden secrets of interchange optimization and how the right process can take HUGE money out of the pockets of the big banks and put it directly on your bottom line.

The Most Expensive Secret in Pest Control
These pest control software conglomerates HATE that we wrote this book exposing their secret profit centers that aggressive merchants don’t have to tolerate. In true Robin Hood fashion, we expose the secret to moving money from the uber rich to your bottom line.
We’ve got more great resources coming soon!
We’d Love to Work With You
If we’re giving you this much information before you’re even a client, imagine just how amazingly awesome-sauce we are when you officially work with us.